The property is in Stratford area, near Westfield shopping centre. It is a three storey Victorian type house with three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a toilet. We were booked for regular weekly service for 5 hours once a week. It was occupied by the owners- a young family with three children and a Labrador dog. As you can imagine our job involved a lot of tiding and cleaning after the kids and the dog apart from the general cleaning. On top of that there was one hour of ironing requested by the husband.

Play room

There were a lot of LEGO toys scattered around which needed tiding up each time the cleaner went there.

Living room

The sofa was messy and full of dog hairs. We had to remove all the cushions, thoroughly hoover it and tidy up.


The shirts for ironing were left in the tumble dryer which made them very creased and excessively dry. Therefore the cleaner had to wet them slightly in order to iron them properly.