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Domestic Cleaning

Mel Cleaning domestic services in London are fantastic way to ensure comfort and hygiene for your office, home, house or apartment. We know cleaning, washing and ironing are chores that take time and energy, especially for busy London people wearing business attires and uniforms, which need daily ironing and pressing. Children also produce a great deal of weekly laundry, turning this sometimes simple chore into a nightmare for all parents.

Mel Cleaning qualified cleaners offer you professional domestic cleaning and ironing services in all London areas (Central, East, West, North and South London). Our best quality cleaning services are suited to all our London clients’ specific needs and individual requirements, providing a chance for flexible schedules at your convenience. The office and residential cleaning service is based on daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis. If you require regular domestic cleaning in London, you will have the same cleaner each time.

We at Mel Cleaning develop our cleaning business mainly using our clients’ referrals. Our cleaning team seeks perfection, using top efficient and reliable cleaning products.

Please, note that all domestic ironing is carried out by our London cleaning staff at your home. For more information and our special cleaning deals, do not hesitate to contact us in office hours!

Our cleaning team covers all London areas – East, West, Central, South and North London.

Call Us Today

We are here for all of your cleaning needs!

CALL NOW: 020 7791 3515