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24Hour Callout

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One-off cleaning

No matter how good you are at cleaning your London home, every now and then it is recommendable to use a professional one-off cleaning service. The regular cleaning products sold in supermarkets and the cleaning equipment the average person buys, cannot be compared to the quality provided by a professional cleaning company. After all, your home deserves a proper cleaning twice a year and you some free time to enjoy your hobbies.

Mel Cleaning is a top-quality cleaning company providing household cleaning services in West, East London, and all other areas. We offer services like end of tenancy, steam carpet, sofa, upholstery cleaning, one-off, and regular cleaning at low (competitive) prices. Still, our clients tend to use our professional cleaners on a regular basis.

Contact our London cleaning team and get the best offer for one-off cleaning. We make sure you use our services again and become your favorite London cleaning services provider.

Our cleaning team covers all London areas – East, West, Central, South and North London.

Call Us Today

We are here for all of your cleaning needs!

CALL NOW: 020 7791 3515